1. "Magnetism" – Vacationer
2. "SGL" – Now, Now
3. "Back Seat Driver (Spirit Guide)" Bear Hands
4. "Wide Awake" – Parquet Courts
5. "Transhumanity" – JB Dunckel
6. "Once In My Life" – The Decemberists
7. "Quiero OtoƱo de Nuevo" – Mint Field
8. "Cranberry" – Hovvdy
9. "It Was Not Natural" – Wye Oak
10. "It's Late" – A Beacon School
11. "These Falling Arms" – The Sea and Cake
12. "It You're Going to Break Yourself" – Unknown Mortal Orchestra
13. "Human Being Song" – Okkervil River
14. "Buzzing In the Light" – Dr. Dog
15. "Black Car" – Beach House
16. "Pirates" – Brazilian Girls
17. "Juicy Socks" – Cherry Glazer
18. "Face Up" – Washed Out